Company Social Responsibility (CSR)
SBG, under its social responsibility, places a number of objectives, including the support of scientific and educational institutions in the Kingdom and the world through the establishment of scientific chairs for research and studies in various scientific and intellectual fields, as well as the construction of a number of scientific and educational establishments and the launch of educational initiatives.
Through these contributions, SBG seeks to help scientific institutions that help raise the capacity of researchers and graduate students and contribute to the support of the society, all efforts are steered in accordance with Saudi Vision 2030 objectives.
The following are some examples of these contributions as part of the company social responsibility (CSR) that have been made through SBG’s “AlMuallem Center for Knowledge & Education”:
The chair becomes a mainstay in the promotion of basic scientific research, applied research and technology localization. It offers graduate programs, provides consulting services and raises the level of performance in the field of strengthening and rehabilitation of facilities of all kinds of buildings, bridges and airports. Its scope is to strength and rehabilitate structures to become more resilient to the elements in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its objectives include:
- Providing a favorable environment for scientific research distinguished thereby driving research in the field of national vital for both individuals and the government and the private sector.
- Develop a product of applied scientific research in serving the construction industry and conservation in the Kingdom, and offer it through what is provided by the University of the potential human and technical.
- Encourage researchers and scientists on the research in the areas of technology and rehabilitation facilities that suffer from structural problems and focus on it through specialized postgraduate programs.
- Provide technical advice and provide training and continuing education for professionals in the fields of construction to address the problems by holding seminars, training courses and workshops.
- Find a way to connect with researchers and research centers specializing in the field of technology and the ways to find creative solutions in the field of practical solutions and rehabilitation facilities.
Its mission is to develop new and innovative solutions to address the technical obstacles related to operation and maintenance, with a particular focus on the technical challenges that the industries face in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The scope of the chair is to research and develop operation and maintenance techniques to meet the technical challenges faced by the industrial sectors, and to improve productivity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its objectives include:
- The development of new techniques to improve the level of reliability of equipment and systems.
- Provide technical and scientific support required for the purpose of finding solutions to economic and safe techniques in the field of operation and maintenance.
- Design and modify existing equipment and devices for the purpose of improving the level and quality of operation and maintenance.
establishing effective monitoring systems to track the retina related activities in the field of industry. - Get in the development of patented technology in the field of operation and maintenance.
- Work on the establishment of programs awarded master’s and doctorate at the University of Thebes.
- Attract projects funded by those industries beneficiary.
- Attract researchers after obtaining a doctoral degree.
- Organizing workshops and conferences to promote and disseminate knowledge in the fields of industry and academia.
- Develop internal collaboration between university departments and that in addition to promoting research in areas related to the activities of departments.
Mission: To develop the theoretical and applied research in the field of quality engineering, which aims to provide unique services to the sectors of construction and achieve the highest levels of quality and productivity in the construction sector in Saudi Arabia.
Scope: To improve productivity and quality in the construction sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The development and implementation of research projects in the field of quality and improve productivity and employment outcomes in a clear and direct beneficiaries of the economists in the construction sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Building a distinguished research in the field of quality improvement, productivity and organizational excellence and reinforce the status of the University of Hail in specialized international scientific forums.
- Design and implement training programs in the field of quality management for the rehabilitation of the graduates of the University of Hail to integrate within the national economic system.
- Design and implementation of specialized training programs for administrative leaders in government and private organizations working in the construction sector, as well as other sectors such as banks, hospitals, education.
- Organize National Conference on Quality and workshops on total quality management in various sectors.
- Develop and implement programs and postgraduate diploma in the field of quality management.
- Excellence in providing advisory support to national organizations (production and service) in improving quality, productivity and organizational excellence.
In support of the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, and in fulfilling the wishes of our guardians (may God protect them) to offer pilgrims the highest quality services available, the Bin Laden Group has established the General Presidency Chair for the affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet Mosque research and studies.
In collaboration with the Islamic University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud, the chair was established to support and improve the services provided by the Kingdom and to study all religious, technological, and engineering aspects affecting the hosting of pilgrims and the services they receive.
The executive board at AlMuallem Center for Knowledge has just approved the creation of AlMuallem Mohamed BinLadin Chair in the field of civil engineering. The Chair will provide students with opportunities to learn from prominent international scientists in the field of civil engineering. Additionally, it will also provide AlMuallem Grant for Graduate Studies in Engineering to the next generation of engineering students for the betterment of society in the Gulf region.
Mission: To observe and monitor the development of crescents in order to identify the beginning of the Islamic calendar months with high accuracy, and to create a unified Islamic calendar.
Scope: To observe the development of crescents using the latest technology and devices available through a global monitoring network.
- The establishment of observatories to monitor the moons using the latest hardware and scientific methods technology through a network of stations mechanism position Observatory Mecca and related several perspectives in the countries of global and local to trace the birth of the crescent, moment by moment, and supplement their binoculars solar plants weather the correlation great between them.
- Rehabilitation of the chair to be the only global think tank dedicated to the study of crescents and conduct scientific research related to them.
- Conduct partnerships and cooperation mechanisms with the most important observatories in global research, moon and sun.
provide researchers and those interested in the information on the lunar calendar and Balohlh or data and to search through the site to the network site. - Work to establish a unified Islamic calendar to identify and monitor all the lunar months or Islamic lunar calendar, and considered Mecca Longitude President of the Islamic calendar Consolidated.